Indian Chief Canoe #974

Indian Chief Canoe #974

This is a ten inch canoe from the 1950s. These canoes came in several different color hulls and the birch bark hull. The birch bark hull came both in silver…

Wind up Tug From #985 Set

Wind up Tug From #985 Set

This nine inch wind up tug is from the #985 set. It came with a six inch green barge attached by a string. The set appears in the 1950 Keystone…

Three Barrel Rocket Ship

Three Barrel Rocket Ship

This is a unique ship in that it has three barrels instead of the usual two. When the three missiles are locked in pressing the trigger releases all three at…

Jacrim Model #31 Dory

Jacrim Model #31 Dory

A quite rare dory from Jacrim circa 1930. This would have had a sail as well. The outboard motor is a wind up and works quite well for being nearly…

Strombecker Green Airplane

Strombecker Green Airplane

This is the typical size Strombecker airplane at 5″ with a 6.5″ wingspan. What is a bit more unusual is the round fuselage and the green color. From my private…